I want to assign a Static IP for my camera.
During the setup process you will be prompted to enter a password for the Wi-Fi network you selected
to connect the camera to. On this page there will be an link for “Advanced Options” Tap that link to
enter a Static IP for your camera.
I want to connect my camera to a hidden Wi-Fi network or a network with a non-broadcasted SSID.
During the setup process you will be prompted to select your Wi-Fi network to connect the camera to.
On the bottom of this page there is a “Add Hidden Network” link. Tap this link to connect to a hidden
Wi-Fi network or a Wi-Fi network that is not broadcasting it’s SSID.
I cannot get to the last step of setup, the Setup Successful page.
After you enter the Wi-Fi password for the network you wish to connect your camera to, the camera
will drop its setup Wi-Fi network and connect to your desired network. At this time, your mobile device
will switch to another known Wi-Fi network that it has previously connected to. Please make sure that
this network has an active Internet connection. If your mobile device does not have an active Internet
connection it will not be able to reach the Setup Successful page.