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• Before installing, ensure that the
building is environmentally sealed,
de-humidified to a maximum of
RH50%, and at a stable temperature
of at least 16 degrees centigrade (61
degrees Fahrenheit)
• Please be aware that when this
product is fitted in simple (stud or
rafter with plasterboard/floorboard
attached on either side) stud
walls or wooden rafter ceiling/
floor structures, acoustic energy
is inevitably transferred into the
building structure. This energy can
travel for some considerable distance
up, down and along the structure. It is
therefore recommended the product
be fitted within acoustically isolated
stud walls or ceiling sections where
possible. Special care should be taken
when installing the product in multi
occupancy buildings.
• During installation take care to use
appropriate and suitable joint filling
compounds to fill the gap between
ALF100SM and the surrounding
surface. This gap should be no less
than 2mm (
”) and no more than
5mm (
”) in width.
Inappropriate compounds used in
such a joint can shrink and crack
excessively and lose strength.
Allow the joint to dry thoroughly
before applying surface skim coats,
as shrinking in the joint depth whilst
drying could create a very slight
embossed outline in the finished and
decorated surface.
NOTE: The joint may take several
days to dry fully.
• As a general rule in the construction
industry, any drying process should
be gradual rather than forced with
excessive heat, otherwise materials
can lose strength and can crack.
• Amina Technologies take no
responsibility for inappropriate use
of materials and environmental
conditions under which they are