7.4 Pulsed magnetic field testing (-4-9) parameter setting
Tests with pulsed magnetic fields simulate the type of field produced by surge pulses such as those
occurring during lightning strokes on buildings and other metallic structures such as free-standing
masts, lightning conductors, earth networks, etc.
The NSG 3150 in conjunction with the
pulse wave shape adaptor
and a
loop antenna
it generates
these fields in accordance with the IEC 61000-4-9 standard by inducing a surge current into magnetic
field loop.
It is recommended for the user to stay away (at least a few meters) from the loop
antenna while magnetic fields are generated. Also keep away magnetic field
sensitive devices and items such as credit cards
– magnetic key cards etc. which
might be influenced by the field.
Pulsed Magnetic Field test window
1 to 9999 A / m (in 1 A / m steps)
positive / negative / alternate
V to A / m ratio (Coil factor):
0.35 to 99.99
2 Ω
Repetition time:
s: 10 ... 600,
min: 1 ... 10
Test duration:
1 to 9’999 pulses,
Phase synchronization:
asynchronous, synchronous 0° to 359º,
(in 1º steps)
More information about variable voltage sources is available in section 14 “Accessories”.