The “Save Test” button is used to save the current test to a file for later use.
Touch the “Save Test” button. A keyboard is displayed. Touch the individual keys to enter a file name
in the black bar above the keyboard.
The “Delete” key will delete all text entered. The backspace button (<--) will delete the last letter
entered. Touch the “Enter” button to save the file under the name entered.
All letters and numbers, as well as hyphens, spaces and dots, can be used in file names. The
maximum file name is 40 characters, including spaces.
The system automatically generates a file extension to identify the type of test. For example, all surge
tests will are given the extension CW.
Touch the “Cancel” button to return to the test parameter window without saving the file.
7.2.4 KEYPAD
Touch the “Keypad” button to display a numeric keypad. The Keypad button is active only when the
user has selected a parameter that requires a numeric entry.
Touch individual numbers to enter them, touch “C” to clear an entry, and touch “Enter” to enter the
value in the field. After touch
ing “Enter” the keypad will close.