February 2, 2011 Revised 6-6
80%-END TIME The time the battery was
charged from the 80% charged
point until DV/DT or VT
(depending on the control
setting) charge termination.
This time does not include
any equalize charging time
that may have been
automatically or manually
BATTERY OCV The Battery Open Circuit volt-
age prior to the start of charge.
START AMPS The value of the current delivered
to the battery at the start of the
charge cycle.
START VOLTS The value of the battery voltage
(in volts/cell) of the battery at the
start of the charge cycle.
FINISH AMPS The value of the charge current
delivered to the battery at the end
of the charge cycle.
FINISH VOLTS The value of the battery voltage
at the end of the charge cycle.
TERM CODE The reason for charge cycle
termination. All possible codes
are listed below:
or VT shutdown.
LOW CUR. Low current
MAN. STP. Manual stop.
BAT. DIS. Battery disconnect
BACKUP 10 0-80% Back-up
timer shutdown.
BACKUP 10 High current
shutdown (Thermal
UNBAL LN Unbalanced input
AC amps
CURVE Charger output
curve error
NONE Charger running, no
termination yet
EQ. TIME The time of the equalize portion of
the charge cycle. Equalize can be
automatically or manually selected.
START TM. The time at the start of the charge
cycle (24 hour format).
END TIME The time at the end of the charge
cycle. Includes the equalize time if
it was automatically or manually
selected (24 hour format).
BATTERY I.D. The Battery I.D. number of the
battery that was charged in the
charge cycle. Requires Battery
Identification Module (BID).
BID STRT. The temperature of the battery
TEMP sensed by the Battery
Identification Module at the start
of the charge cycle.
BID END TEMP The temperature of the battery
TEMP sensed by the Battery
Identification Module at the end of
the charge cycle (degrees C).
BID MAX The maximum temperature of the
TEMP battery from the beginning of the
last charge cycle to the beginning
of this charge cycle. This would be
the maximum temperature record-
ed while the battery was in use or
being charged.
CYCLE AH SIZE Charger AH setting for that cycle
BATTERY TYPE Charger battery type setting for
that cycle
MONTH The month that the charge cycle
DATE The day of the month that the
charge cycle occurred.
SCR2000 Charge Cycle Review
The review function allows up to 59 items of charge
cycle information to be retrieved and displayed. Only
the last charge cycle is stored, with the data being
moved into archive cycle #1 location when the next
battery is connected to the charger. The review data
functions described in detail below in ascending order.
A single review item can be accessed by entering its
item number at the “ENTER FUNC NUM” prompt.