Service and Parts
rF card
removing the rF card
The RF card is located directly behind the rear heat sink and separated from it by
the conductor guide. See Figure 6-3.
Follow these steps to remove the RF card for replacement:
1. There are eight screws holding the RF assembly in the unit casing. Remove
the (2) top 1/4” and (2) bottom 1/4” screws.
2. Remove the (2) 3/16” screws from each side.
3. Grab hold of the rear heat sink and pull hard to remove the assembly from
the casing.
4. You now have the complete RF assembly in your hand. Refer to Figure 6-3.
5. Remove the Amp cover by removing the two 1/4” self-tapping sheet metal
screws. The Amp card is underneath.
6. Remove the (4) 1/4” screws holding the Amp Card to the Amp card shield.
7. Using the 1/4” nut driver remove the (4) 3/8” standoffs from the Amp card
shield. You can now see the RF card.
8. Using the 1/4” nut driver, remove the (4) 5/8” standoffs holding the RF card
to the connector guide.
9. Remove the 1/2” screw on the top right of the RF card. This holds the card to
the aluminum oxide insulator on the rear of the heat sink.
It is very important to remember to replace this screw and insulator
when reassembling the unit after replacing the board. The insula-
tor is coated with thermally conductive joint compound. If it is not
replaced, the unit will not work.
10. Separate the RF card from the conductor guide.
It is very important to remember to retain the conductor guide as it is
not part of the replacement board.