Refrigerant Piping
Refrigerant Vapor Line Sizing
See the Product Data Book applicable to your model* for
the required vapor and liquid line tubing sizes. The listed
sizes in the Product Data Book are suitable for line lengths
of fifty feet or less and indoor coil elevations of no more
than forty feet above or below the outdoor unit.
Unit performance is affected by vapor line tubing size. A
larger than required vapor line tubing inhibits oil return to
the unit. A smaller than required vapor line tubing size
decreases unit performance by up to 10%. If a run of more
than fifty feet is required, contact your distributor for
Check the indoor coil liquid and vapor line diameter. A
bushing or coupling may be needed to match with the line
sizes used. If mix-matching to a restrictor orifice indoor
coil, check the Product Data Book for the proper orifice size
to be used with this outdoor unit. Piston orifices are
supplied with the outdoor unit.
Refrigerant Vapor
and Liquid Lines Routing
All of the vapor line must be insulated. The insulation must
include a vapor barrier.
The liquid line must be outside the vapor line insulation.
If part of the liquid line must run through an area that will be
hotter than 120°F, then that portion of the liquid line must
be insulated.
Avoid burying refrigerant lines. If you must bury them, first
dig the trench so it gradually slopes toward the compressor
(at least 1 inch per 10 feet). Then, insulate the liquid and
suction lines separately. Enclose all underground portions
of the refrigerant lines in waterproof material (conduit or
pipe). If the lines must pass under or through a concrete
slab, be sure they are adequately protected.
Seal the holes where the refrigerant piping enters
the building and support piping as necessary.
Be careful not to kink or dent the refrigerant lines.
Kinked or dented lines will cause poor performance
or compressor damage.
The service valve connections are oriented at a 45°
angle to the unit. Either side of the unit adjacent to the
valves can be conveniently located toward the house.
Sweat Connections
: To avoid overheating the service valve,
TXV valve, or filter drier while brazing, wrap the
component with a wet rag, or use a thermal heat trap
compound as recommended by the compound manu-
facturer. Use a brazing alloy of 2% minimum silver
content. Do not use flux.
1. The ends of the refrigerant lines must be cut square,
deburred, cleaned, and be round and free from nicks
or dents. Any other condition increases the chance of
a refrigerant leak.
2. After brazing, quench the joints with water or a wet
cloth. This will also help prevent overheating of the
service valve.
*NOTE: Please contact your distributor for the applicable product data
book referred to in this manual.