TAS12-EDM & TAS12P-EDM Installation Instructions
Page 22
For Assistance: [email protected] +1 (909) 591-8431 PUD4005R1-0
Post-Installation Checklist
1. Power On
Verify the TAS12 boots up successfully.
2. Perform TAS12 Device Tests
Print a test ticket (TAS12P-EDM Only)
Activate the relay
Test the green/yellow/red attendant notification lights
3. Credential Validation
Scan a sample barcode ticket
Validate a magnetic stripe card (TAS12P-EDM only)
Validate an RFID media (Optional on TAS12P-EDM only)
4. Turnstile Operation
Test Drop-Arm functionality
Test Key Override operation (Optional)
Test counter operation (Optional)
5. Battery Operation
Verify battery is charging properly after being plugged into an AC power source. (Portable
Battery-Powered Option only)
6. Attachment
Check that the mounting bolts and screws are secure and tightened per the requirements in this manual.
7. Finish
Stainless Steel – Wipe down the entire turnstile with a damp cloth or used the Alvarado recommended
commercial products (see Operation and Maintenance Instructions).
Powder Coated - Wipe down entire turnstile with a damp cloth.
Manuals Handoff
Provide both these Installation Instructions, and the Operation and Maintenance Instructions to
the project or site manager.