-- Call Detail Reporting Guide -- September 2000 -- Page 36 --
Calls in Queue = For a given workgroup and selected time interval, count the number of records where
Party1 WG wait duration >0 AND/OR Party2 WG wait duration >0 AND the Party1 or 2 exit queue
timestamp is less than the top time and greater than the bottom time for the time interval.
Number of Agents Signed On = For a given workgroup and selected time interval, count the number of
records where an agent (ie. Party1 with workgroup number) has signed on before the end time for the
selected interval) and subtract from the latter (the number of records where an agent signed-off before the
start time for the selected interval). [# signed-on before end interval time – signed-off before start interval
Maximum Wait Time = For a given workgroup and selected time interval, continuously bubble up the
maximum wait time duration of all calls in or exiting the queue over the interval.
Average Speed of Answer = For a given workgroup and selected time interval, compute the average call
duration for all calls from initial trunk answer to first contact with an agent. Use only
Party1WGAnswerTime – Start Time to find the ASA for a given call.
16.0 Agent SignOn View
- 24 Hour Period
For Agent Extension
Sign On SignOff. WG # Reason Code
00:00 – 00:15
x x xx xxxx
00:15 – 00:30
x x xx xxxx
00:30 – 00:45
00:45 – 01:00 am
01:00 – 01:15
23:34 – 00:00 pm
x x xx xxxx
Graphic: Number of Agent SignOffs for Each Reason Code
17.0 Web Calls
- 24 Hour Period
Number Duration
00:00 – 00:15
xxxx 00:00
00:15 – 00:30
00:30 – 00:45
00:45 – 01:00 am
01:00 – 01:15
23:34 – 00:00 pm
xxxx 00:00