-- Call Detail Reporting Guide -- September 2000 -- Page 15 --
V Msg Duration
Duration (in seconds) of the message
left by the caller. This shows how
long voice messaging contributed to
call length and trunk billing.
Call Duration
Duration (in seconds) of the total call
from StartTime to EndTime
Exit State
Under what condition was the call
terminated. Callers can decide to
abandon a call at any time, and using
exit state codes, many types of
reports can be created to measure
when they abandon, such as from
AutoAttendant, from a ring-no-
answer phone (agent or otherwise),
from waiting in a queue, or just
before voicemail recording.
1 -- All
2 – Auto Atdn
4 – RNA
8 – WG Queue
16 – VM No Rec.)
32 – VM Record
64 – Connect
128 – Logon
256 – Logoff
512 – All Trunks Busy
1024 – No Session
2048 – Other
URL when ‘call’ is initiated by a web
user clicking the make-call button
Please see AltiWeb User Guide
User Data
Data input provided by the caller in
response to an auto-attendant prompt,
or data supplied by an agent desktop
application over AltiLink Plus.
Agent data
comma delimited)
See Glossary for details
5.1 Configuration Areas affecting CDR information
Routing and Route Name - How calls are routed in outcall routing will naturally be reflected in the
CDR record. The Route names configured in AltiAdmin will appear in the route table name area of
the records.
Multi-Tenant naming - Each extension table entry in AltiAdmin has a field to identify the extension
owner. If a name is placed in this field, then this will be the name used in the CDR record to
represent the tenant or department associated with the particular extension.
Wrap-up - Setting the wrap-up time or supporting AltiX ActiveX controls can affect the level of CDR
information. For example, using ActiveX for AltiLinkPlus, a client application can place wrap-up
data into the “User Defined” data field of the CDR record. This is useful if you want to correlate
business information with call handling information: revenue achieved verses talktime by agent.
A system integrator is required to use AltiGen’s AltiX ActiveX control.
Ring No Answer configurations and VM -- Agents are supposed to sign-on to workgroups and
answer calls. On occasion, an agent or extension may be signed-on but mistakenly walked away
from their desk. Under these conditions, AltiAdmin allows the administrator to define what AltiServ
should do if it encounters a Ring No Answer condition on a phone. For example, it can send the
caller to voice mail or to another agent or back to queue or to auto attendant. How this
configuration is set-up will determine the types of CDR records that will be recorded for this
condition. Since ALTIWARE tracks all incoming calls from a trunk to an extension, this also applies
to calls routed to regular extensions, not just workgroups.
Sign-on and Sign-off -- Note that the CDR records database also supports a special record type.
This record type is to record when agents sign-on and when they sign-off from a workgroup.
There will only be information of when the action has taken place and which agent signed on and
off. Therefore, a reporting program should always check to see if the record it is using or
examining is for sign- on/off or for tracking the nature of a call. An agent logon/logoff record
should have agent’s extension number and Pad information in party 1.