3. Place the grinding wheel on top of the adjust screw and check the air gap between
the top of the grinding wheel and the brush assembly. The grinding wheel should
be adjusted so there is a 1mm air gap between the ruler and the brush ring. Test by
turning the wheel to make sure the ruler is floating on top of the brush.
4. If the air gap is too large or too small remove the flange and adjust screw. Turn the
adjust nut clockwise to raise the height of the grinding wheel or counter clockwise
to lower. Go back to step three and check the air gap again. Repeat until air gap is
Note: You will need to check the grinding wheel height before each use. As the diamond
segments on the grinding wheel wear down, the manual height adjustment flange
will need to be adjusted to keep the diamond segments just above (1mm air gap)
the top of the brush assembly.
Setting the Air Gap on the Manual Height Adjustment Flange
Adjusting the Manual Height Adjustment Flange
Hold the Adjust
Screw and locking
Nut in place
Turn Adjust Nut
to raise or lower
the height of the
grinding wheel
Air Gap