Battery Equalization Description
Battery equalization function is built into the charge controller. It reverses the build-up of negative chemical effects
such as stratification, a condition where acid concentration is greater at the bottom of the battery than at the top.
Equalization also helps to remove sulfate crystals that may have built up on the plates. If left unchecked, this
condition, called sulfation, will reduce the overall capacity of the battery. Therefore,
it’s recommended to equalize
the battery periodically.
How to Activate Equalization Function
You must enable battery equalization function in LCD setting Program 30 first. You can then apply this
function by either one of the following methods:
Setting equalization interval in Program 35.
Activate equalization immediately in Program 36.
When to Equalize
In floating charge stage, when the selected equalization interval (battery equalization cycle) is reached, or
equalization is activated immediately, the controller will start to enter Equalize Mode.
Equalize Charging and Timeout
In Equalize Mode, the controller will supply power to charge battery as much as possible until battery voltage
reach the equalization voltage. Then, constant-voltage regulation is applied to maintain battery voltage at
the equalization level. The battery will remain in the Equalize Mode until the equalization timer runs out.