Alpha-InnoTec SWC 102H1 Operating Manual Download Page 2


Subject to change without notice  |  83057200dUK – Translation of the original operating manual |  ait-deutschland GmbH

Table of contents

1  About this operating manual


1.1  Validity


1.2  Reference documents




1.4  Contact


2  Safety


2.1  Intended use




2.3  Personal protective equipment




2.5  Disposal


2.6  Avoid damage to property


3  Description


3.1  Layout


3.2  Accessories


3.3  Function


4  Operation and care


4.1  Energy and environmentally aware 



4.2  Maintenance


5  Delivery, storage, transport and 



5.1  Scope of supply


5.2  Storage




5.4  Installation


6  Installation and connection

 .......................... 11

6.1  Dismantle the module box

 .......................... 11

6.2  Install the module box


6.3  Install the hydraulic connections


6.4  Connect the electrical cables


6.5  Installing the control panel




7.1  Remove the front panel of 

the module box


7.2  Heating water quality




7.4  Vent the circulation pump of 

the heat source



domestic hot water charging circuit


8  Insulate hydraulic connections




10  Commissioning


11  Maintenance


11.1  Basic principles


11.2  Maintenance as required





11.4  Yearly maintenance


12  Faults




13  Dismantling and Disposal


13.1  Dismantling


13.2  Disposal and Recycling


Technical data / Scope of supply


SWC 42H1 – SWC 62H1


SWC 82H1 – SWC 102H1


SWC 132H1


Performance curves


SWC 42H1


SWC 62H1


SWC 82H1


SWC 102H1


SWC 132H1


Dimensional drawings


SWC 42H1 – SWC 132H1




Control unit




Installation plans


Installation plan 1


Installation plan 2


Installation plan 3


Hydraulic integration


SWC 42H1 – SWC 132H1




Keys hydraulic integration


Terminal diagram


Circuit diagrams


EC Declaration of Conformity


Summary of Contents for SWC 102H1

Page 1: ...UK 83057200dUK Translation of the original operating manual Operating Manual SWC H1 series Brine Water Heat Pumps...

Page 2: ...1 Remove the front panel of the module box 16 7 2 Heating water quality 16 LOO XVK DQG YHQW KHDW VRXUFH 16 7 4 Vent the circulation pump of the heat source 17 OXVK DQG OO WKH KHDWLQJ DQG domestic hot...

Page 3: ...ating manual of the expansion board DFFHVVRULHV RJERRN LI LQFOXGHG ZLWK WKLV XQLW E WKH manufacturer 8QLW VWLFNHU 7KH XQLW VWLFNHU FRQWDLQV LPSRUWDQW LQIRUPDWLRQ IRU contact with the manufacturer or t...

Page 4: ...IH WKUHDWHQLQJ injuries and damage to property Ensure that the personnel is familiar with the local regulations especially those on safe and hazard DZDUH ZRUNLQJ 2QO DOORZ TXDOL HG SHUVRQQHO ZLWK HOHF...

Page 5: ...m is not planned designed started up and operated according to the given requirements there is D ULVN WKDW WKH IROORZLQJ GDPDJH DQG IDXOWV ZLOO RFFXU Malfunctions and the failure of components e g pum...

Page 6: ...RULHV 2YHU RZ YDOYH 5 Valve motor 6 3 way changeover valve heating circuit domestic hot water 7 Heating circuit hot water circulation pump 8 Module box HLJKW DGMXVWDEOH IRRW Rating plate Rating plates...


Page 8: ...RZ ORFDO UHJXODWLRQV Do not open windows with gap tilt open FRQWLQXRXV YHQWLODWLRQ EXW LQVWHDG RSHQ ZLGH IRU D VKRUW WLPH SXUJH YHQWLODWLRQ 4 2 Maintenance Wipe down the outside of the unit only using...

Page 9: ...UDQVSRUW WKH XQLW SUHIHUDEO ZLWK D SDOOHW WUXFN alternatively with a handcart 7UDQVSRUW ZLWK D SDOOHW WUXFN Transport the unit to the place of installation SDFNDJHG DQG VHFXUHG RQ D ZRRGHQ SDOOHW 8QSD...

Page 10: ...many Refrigerant Limit R 134a NJ P R 404A NJ P R 407C NJ P R 410A NJ P Technical data Scope of supply from page 21 Minimum room volume 5HIULJHUDQW FDSDFLW NJ LPLW NJ P NOTE If several heat pumps of th...

Page 11: ...upply DQG SURWHFWHG DJDLQVW EHLQJ VZLWFKHG EDFN RQ again 1 Remove the front panel of the module ER 7 1 Remove the front panel of WKH PRGXOH ER SDJH 2 ORVH VKXW R YDOYHV WR WKH KHDWLQJ FLUFXLW 3 UDLQ W...

Page 12: ...ic connec tions 8 Remove 3 clips on the hydraulic connections 9 Use spanner size SW 37 to unscrew the heating RZ 10 Disconnect the hydraulic connections to do this push the pipes apart as far as neces...

Page 13: pipes due to unacceptable loading Secure all connections against twisting NOTE The heat source can be connected from the top right or left 9 The heat source system has been installed in DFFRUGDQFH...

Page 14: ...t the power supply for the heat pump ZLWK DQ DOO SROH PLQLDWXUH FLUFXLW EUHDNHU ZLWK DW OHDVW PP FRQWDFW VSDFLQJ SHU Note the level of the tripping current Technical data Scope of supply from SDJH Com...

Page 15: ...ol box 1 EXV FDEOH DSSUR P IURP WKH LQJ RI the strain relief at the electrical control box All other cables approx 1 2 m 5 8VH FDEOH WLHV VHSDUDWH SDFN WR WKH 1 EXV FDEOH WR D ZHE RI WKH PDVNLQJ SODWH...

Page 16: No formation of mineral scale Ideal for closed heating circuits LGHDO S YDOXH GXH WR VHOI DONDOLQLVDWLRQ DIWHU OOLQJ the system I QHFHVVDU VLPSOH DONDOLQLVDWLRQ WR S YDOXH by adding chemic...

Page 17: ...mestic hot water charging circuit 9 Drain pipe of the safety valve is connected 9 The front panel of the module box is unscrewed Ensure that the set pressure of the safety valve is not exceeded 1 3XOO...

Page 18: ...RR 9 6HW WKH RYHU RZ YDOYH NOTE The activities in this section are only nec HVVDU IRU LQ OLQH WDQN LQWHJUDWLRQ RPSOHWH WKH ZRUNVWHSV TXLFNO RWKHUZLVH the maximum return temperature can be exceeded and...

Page 19: ...customer service department In other countries Send notice of completion for KHDW SXPS V VWHPV DQG URXJK FKHFNOLVW WR WKH manufacturer s local partner 4 Arrange for the heat pump system to be commiss...

Page 20: ...PSHG RXW E DS SUR PP 3UHVV WKH UHVHW EXWWRQ EDFN LQ DJDLQ If the safety temperature limiter trips again con tact the local partner of the manufacturer or the factory s customer service 13 Dismantling...

Page 21: ...ox weight with cooling ower weight with cooling kg kg kg kg 0 65 5 65 efrigerant type efrigerant capacity kg 410A 1 05 410A 1 35 Domestic hot water tank Net volume l Impressed current anode integrated...

Page 22: ...weight with cooling ower weight with cooling kg kg kg kg 110 65 115 65 efrigerant type efrigerant capacity kg 410A 1 63 410A 1 84 Domestic hot water tank Net volume l Impressed current anode integrate...
