Subject to technical amendments without notice | 83059700iUK – Translation of the original operating manual | ait-deutschland GmbH
11 Commissioning
Relevant planning & design data of the system is
documented in full.
The competent energy supplier has been notified
of the operation of the heat pump system.
System is air-free.
Installation check using the rough checklist has
been completed successfully.
Ensure that the following points are fulfilled
● Clockwise rotating load infeed field is available at
the compressor
The system is installed and mounted in accord-
ance with this operating manual
The electrical installation has been carried out
properly in accordance with this operating manual
and local regulations
The power supply for the heat pump is equipped
with an all-pole circuit breaker with at least 3 mm
contact spacing (IEC 60947-2)
The level of the tripping current is compliant
● Heating circuit is flushed and vented
● All shut-off devices of the heating circuit are open
The pipe systems and components of the sys-
tem are leak-tight.
2. Fill out carefully and sign the notice of completion
for heat pump systems.
3. In Germany: Send notice of completion for
heat pump systems and rough checklist to
the manufacturer’s factory customer service
In other countries: Send notice of completion for
heat pump systems and rough checklist to the
manufacturer’s local partner.
4. Arrange for the heat pump system to be
commissioned by after sales service personnel
authorised by the manufacturer; this is a
chargeable service.
12 Maintenance
We recommend that you conclude a
maintenance agreement with an accredited
heating company.
12.1 Basic principles
The refrigerant circuit of the heat pump requires no
regular maintenance.
Local regulations– e.g. EU Regulation (EC) 517/2014 –
include a requirement for leakage controls beforehand
and/or for a log book to be kept for certain heat pumps.
Ensure compliance with local regulations with
regard to the specific heat pump system.
12.2 Maintenance as required
Checking and cleaning the components of the
heating circuit, e.g. valves, expansion vessels,
recirculating pumps, filters, dirt traps
Test the function of the safety valve for the heating
Always regularly control for unimpeded air in-
feed accordingly. Constrictions or even blockages
which, for example occur
when applying house insulation with polysty-
rene balls
● through packaging material (foils, films, car
tons etc.)
through foliage, snow, icing or similar weath-
er-related deposits
through vegetation (bushes, tall grass etc.)
● through air shaft covers (fly protection screens
and which must be prevented and/or removed im-