We reserve the right to modify technical specifications without prior notice.
© Alpha-InnoTec GmbH
pull lower facing panel upwards and outwards, de-
tach and set securely to the side...
Remove the screws located on the lower side of the
upper facing panel...
Slant the facing panel upwards, remove and set aside
in a safe place...
loosen the four mounting nuts on the ventilator...
Slide the ventilator into the unit housing...
1 mounting the ventilator within
the inside of the unit
The ventilator can be retracted into the unit the to-
tal length of the mounting.
Secure the ventilator using the mounting nuts and
transport the unit through the narrow passage-
put the unit in its final installation location. make
sure that the frame of the unit is in full contact with
the underlying surface and the unit is situated hori-
loosen the mounting nuts on the ventilator, ex-
tract the ventilator from the unit housing and then
retighten the mounting nuts...
Re-attach the upper and lower facing panels on the
fan side.