Allied Construction Products, LLC www.alliedcp.com
11.0 Troubleshooting
This guide identifies several commonly encountered
conditions and the recommended corrective action.
For conditions other than these, contact the Allied
Technical Service Department.
Only qualified personnel, having knowledge of
the machine’s systems, proper test equipment
Possible Cause
Corrective Action
No operation
Insufficient oil pressure or flow.
Check hydraulic supply system. Correct as
Failed bearings.
Inspect and replace bearings.
Broken motor shaft or worn
Inspect and replace worn parts.
Erratic operation
Erratic oil pressure or flow.
Check hydraulic supply system. Correct as
Failed spring mount.
Inspect and replace failed mount.
Operation with excessive
noise or vibration
Failed bearing.
Inspect and replace bearings.
Loose bolts or mounting
Inspect and tighten bolts.
Operation stalls under load
Pressure relief too low
Check hydraulic supply system. Correct as
Failed bearing.
Inspect and replace bearings.
Motor worn or motor seals
Inspect and replace motor.
Operation smooth, but at
reduced speed
Flow too low.
Check carrier output.
If motor or flow regulator valve was
replaced, check that the motor and valve
are properly matched.
This Allied work tool is not self-powered. Its
performance level is affected by a hydraulic system
that is not operating to specification.
The Allied Ho-Pac is designed to provide optimum
performance with reliable service life at a specific oil
flow. There are three motor options to choose from.
If the machine is equipped with a work mode switch,
verify the selector switch is set on the proper
attachment setting for operating the Ho-Pac.
Use a flow meter to measure oil delivery and to verify
the cracking pressure of the relief valve.
When troubleshooting, include all associated parts of
the attachment circuit to exclude any possibility of a
collapsed hose or other fault or malfunction.
Tools required for testing include a flow meter and
pressure gages. Test procedures, along with a form
to record the results of the flow test, can be found in
the Technical Data section of this manual.