Allied Construction Products, LLC www.alliedcp.com
6.0 Mounting Information
6.1 Mounting Frame and Mounting Bracket
Fig. 6-1 shows the "Flat-Top" mounting frame with a
pin-on type mounting bracket. The bolt set (furnished
with the Ho-Pac) fastens the bracket to the top frame.
Once fastened to the Flat-Top frame, the Ho-Pac can
be attached to the carrier in the same manner as
mounting a bucket. Allied offers an array of mounting
brackets (sold separately) to fit virtually any carrier,
including those equipped with pin-grab or hook-type
quick mounting couplers.
Complete information about the carrier is required
when ordering mounting brackets (sold
separately). This includes the make, model, series
and serial number. Additional information is
required if the carrier is equipped with a quick
Holes drilled in the Top frames are patterned to
accept Allied brackets (sold separately). In Table 6.1,
the various bolt hole patterns used by each Ho-Pac
model is identified and grouped into a "Family" type.
Other work tools from Allied, including hydraulic
breakers, share the same family of hole-patterns.
Dimensions for XR/BR bolt hole-patterns are located
in Section 12 of this manual.
Fig. 6-1 Flat Top Frame and BR Mounting Bracket
NOTE: Allied brackets are typically designed to utilize
the carrier’s bucket pins.
Table 6.1 Flat Top Mounting Family & Hardware
Ho-Pac Model
FL Washer
Bolt Set
400B, 700B
572711 (x4)
816359 (x8)
817491 (x4)
700B, 1000B
902515 (x8)
719015 (x16)
865325 (x8)
Follow proper tightening procedures and torque.