3. To prevent contamination of the
Striker, Body/Anvil and Tail Assembly,
obtain a canvas or plastic sheet to cover
the Tail Assembly and one to cover the
open end of the Body/Anvil.
4. To clean parts that are accidentally con-
taminated, obtain:
a. Mineral spirits and clean hydraulic
b. Clean cloth rags to wipe away dirt,
mineral spirits and excess hydraulic
11.3 Remove Tail Assembly
Place the Hole-Hog on the work area
tarp. Hold the Body/Anvil (1) with a
strap wrench. Use wrench P/N 834017
to loosen the End Cap (9). It may be nec-
essary to strike the wrench handle sev-
eral times with a hammer to loosen the
End Cap. Refer to Figure 11-1.
R e m o v e
t h e
t a i l
a s s e m b l y
b y
unthreading the End Cap (9) and pull-
ing the tail assembly from the Body/An-
vil (1) as shown in Figure 11-2.
3. Place the tail assembly where it will not
be contaminated with dust and dirt. If
the repair area is very dusty, wrap it in a
piece of
cloth or
t a r p
u n t i l
W h i p
Hose is
4. Tip the Body/Anvil (1) so the Striker (2)
slides to the anvil end.
5. Prevent dust and dirt from entering the
Body/Anvil by wrapping its open end
with a clean piece of plastic or canvas
tarp. Secure this in place with an elastic
cord or duct tape.
6. Place the Body/Anvil where it will not be
contaminated with dust and dirt.
11.4 Remove Whip Hose Assembly
DO NOT disassemble components
of the tail assembly. Remove and
disassemble only the Valve Nut and
the Whip Hose Components that
requirere placement.
1. Position the Tail Assembly in a vise so
the End Cap (9) and Whip Hose (13) are
above the vise jaws. The Valve (6) should
4000 Series Hole-Hog
Figure 11-2. Removing Tail Assembly
Apply Wrench 834017
to End Cap.
Apply Strap or Chain
Wrench to Body/Anvil.
Figure 11-1. Loosening the End Cap