Use Instructions
Hands and Knees Drop
To do a Hands and Knees Drop properly, there should be just as much weight on the hands as on the knees. The back
should be about parallel to the mat. The knees and hands should land simultaneously, with the middle of the body
landing in the center of the trampoline. The hands should be directly under the shoulders. The knees should be directly
under the hips. The toes should be pointed. See Figure 5.
To perform a Hands and Knees Drop:
Get down on your hands and knees on the mat. Make sure you have weight on both your hands and knees. Do not
sit on your heels.
Remain in this position and try to bounce. Do not rock back and forth between the hands and knees, but develop an
even landing on all four points.
From the standing position, prime the mat several times. Lift upward with the hips, reach forward with the hands,
and land on all fours. Look slightly in front of your hands on landing. Push to rebound to your feet.
Front Drop
In a front drop, contact with the trampoline mat should simultaneously take place
with your hands, elbows, chest, stomach, and hips. Knees should be bent. Hands
should be placed close together with palms in contact with the mat, forming a
triangle. Eyes should focus on the center of the triangle or slightly in front of your
fingers. See Figure 6.
First learn how to go from the hands and knees drop to the front drop.
Start from the hands and knees drop position.
As you rebound from the hands and knees, stretch so that you land on your
stomach. From this position, rebound to your hands and knees.
Next, perform Step 1, beginning and ending in a standing crouched position.
Start from a standing position with your knees bent and your upper body
low and close to the trampoline mat.
Prime the mat several times.
Lift your hips gently upward and backward.
Land in a hands and knees drop, rebound and stretch into a front drop, and
return to a hands and knees drop.
Push with the hands to return to your feet.
Lastly, perform Step 2 from a standing position.
Start from a straight standing position.
Prime the mat several times.
Perform a Front Drop as in Step 2.
Figure 5 Hands and Knees Drop
Figure 6 Front Drop