Assembly and Installation Instructions
If the net is not centered or slightly to the right of center when viewed from outside the trampoline, adjust the mesh-
es on the ball end caps so that it is centered. This is to ensure there is room for the ladder, so that the user may enter
safely. Tighten all buckles and add a simple knot to the loose end, so the net will not slacken. Check the foam and sleeve
to ensure they are properly seated, as they have a tendency to slide down during installation. The ball end cap should
be secure on the top of the enclosure pole, and there should not be a gap between the ball end cap and the foam/sleeve.
When hung correctly, the inner and outer panel of net should overlap by at least 6 inches in the middle. It can over-
lap by more, but should not be much closer than 8 inches to pole 8.
If the net does not overlap by at least 6 inches in the middle, STOP. Do NOT continue with the installation. Go back
to Step 22. Rehang net, being sure to pull it snugly from one pole to the next.
Ladder to side of doorway
Minimum 6
inch overlap
in middle