Warning Information
Landing on Springs or Frame
The risk of falling on the springs or frame, landing between the springs, or hitting the frame can be reduced by:
Proper mounting and dismounting of the trampoline
Jumping at the center of the mat without traveling toward the side
Properly installing the frame pads
Properly installing the safety enclosure
Simple frame pads or spring covers on their own do not give adequate protection. Installing the
AlleyOOP Sports Safe-
ty Enclosure
and using spotters, will greatly reduce the risk of injury.
Bouncing off the Trampoline
Bouncing off of the trampoline can be controlled, if not completely eliminated, through:
Proper instruction and mastering of the “Stop Bounce” technique in the “Basic Skills” section
Maintaining a position in the center of the mat
Strictly forbidding any “flying dismounts” (i.e. jumping off of the trampoline onto another object or the ground)
Installing an
AlleyOOP Sports Safety Enclosure
Using spotters
Using the trampoline only with mature, knowledgeable supervision
Keep objects away from the trampoline. It is dangerous to jump from the trampoline to the floor or ground. Do not jump
from the trampoline into a swimming pool, onto a swing, or any other object. Do not install the trampoline on concrete,
asphalt or hard compacted surfaces.
Landing Incorrectly on the Mat
Landing incorrectly on the mat creates great risk of a serious injury, with most injuries resulting from attempted
somersaults/flips. It is strongly recommended that somersaults/flips are not performed.