Rockwell Automation Publication ICSTT-RM446N-EN-P - April 2018
Chapter 4
AADvance Functional Safety System Implementation
Burner flame supervision including temperature and air/gas pressure
• Burner gas-to-air ratio control/supervision
• Parts or whole of the start-up sequence of a batch reactor
The fewer the number of inputs, outputs and signal paths, the fewer the
number of permutations that require testing. However, a single safety function
should not be split into separate blocks; such a division is likely to lead to the
introduction of errors during maintenance activities.
The interaction between the individual software blocks shall be minimized.
Where interaction is necessary, it should be kept as simple as possible, for
example a single shutdown initiation signal.
Each safety function shall be responsible for the control of the corresponding
outputs. Sharing of outputs between functions shall not be permitted.
The new or previously untested function may be:
• a generic function block, which forms part of the Workbench, but has
not previously been subject to the level of testing defined herein, or
• a project-specific function block, which is written to meet the needs of a
particular feature within an application program, and may comprise a
number of generic function blocks or other program functions.
Individual Safety Related Functions
The AADvance Workbench allows the definition of up to 250 individual
programs within a single project. This facility should be exploited to enable the
allocation of individual safety related functions to separate programs. Where
such programs contain independent logic paths, these should be investigated to
determine if they are separate safety functions. Where they are separate, it is
recommended that these be further allocated to their own program, subject to
conforming to the recommendation to minimizing the coupling between
Cases should be looked for that allow the creation of individual logic paths by
repeating small sections of logic rather than fanning out the resultant signal(s).
Partitioning the Application
It is impractical and unnecessary to apply the same degree of rigorous
development and testing to all functions within the Application where some of
those functions are not safety related.
The use of these function blocks in a safety certified system is
only permitted once they have been tested for correct operation.