Publication 1763-RM001B-EN-P - April 2007
Communications Instructions
Enter in the destination node address (DH+ octal address of target
processor) under the To Address.
Note: Make sure that the Target Device Data Table Address exists in the
target device.
Network Message Example 2:
MicroLogix 1100 Ethernet to SLC 5/03 DH485 via ENET, DHRIO and
1785-KA5 bridge device (OS Series B FRN 4 or later)
The following illustrates the MicroLogix 1100 OS Series B(CH1 Ethernet)
sending a remote message to a SLC5/03 processor (DH+ Node 51). The
remote message will passthru an ENET module, a ControlLogix chassis
(Gateway), a DHRIO module and a 1785-KA5 bridge device. In order for
the message to pass through the network, a multiHop MSG must be setup - Allen Bradley,Rockwell,plc,servo,drive