Publication 1763-RM001B-EN-P - April 2007
Communications Instructions
Step 4 is not shown in the timing diagram. If you do not receive an
ACK, step 3 does not occur. Instead, either no response or a
negative acknowledge (NAK) is received. When this happens, the
ST bit remains clear (0).
No response may be caused by:
the target node is not there
the message became corrupted in transmission
the response was corrupted in response transmission
A NAK may be caused by:
target node is busy
target node received a corrupt message
the message is too large
When a NAK occurs, the EW bit is cleared (0), and the ER bit is set
(1), indicating that the message instruction failed.
Following the successful receipt of the packet, the target node sends
a reply packet. The reply packet contains one of the following
successful write request.
successful read request with data
failure with error code
At the next end of scan, REF, or SVC instruction, following the target
node’s reply, the controller examines the message from the target
device. If the reply is successful, the DN bit is set (1), and the ST bit
is cleared (0). If it is a successful read request, the data is written to
the data table. The message instruction function is complete.
If the reply is a failure with an error code, the ER bit is set (1), and
the ST bit is cleared (0). The message instruction function is
If the DN or ER bit is set (1) and the MSG rung is false, the EN bit is
cleared (0) the next time the message instruction is scanned.
See MSG Instruction Ladder Logic on page 360 for examples using the
message instruction. - Allen Bradley,Rockwell,plc,servo,drive