Rockwell Automation Publication 1734-UM007E-EN-P - October 2015
Chapter 2
Configure the Module
Add I/O Modules to Your
After you add the communication device, you must add the POINT I/O
modules connected to the scanner on the POINTBus backplane, using this
Add modules as shown in the figure.
The out-of-the-box node setting for 1734 modules is 63. You can change
the setting by using the node commissioning tool. The node
commissioning tool is available either online or offline.
Double-click the module to change the node address.
1. Click the “+” here to expand the
list of specialty modules.
2. Double-click the catalog number
to choose the module. (You can
also click and drag the module
name onto the network.)
If you commission a node online, you must power down your system before the
change takes place.