BOSS – Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual
A l e n c o n S y s t e m s L L C - P a g e
Steps to send a configuration file to the BOSS
Step 1:
Choose the file you would like to send to the BOSS. This file has a
Note: The factory file is a standard json object that is viewable with any text editor.
Figure 21: Folder containing .factory files for Alencon products
Step 2:
Select the GUID of the target BOSS. The LIN to GUID mapping can be found on the
BOSSs Tab.
Figure 22: Configuration page upload steps
Step 3:
Once you load the
file, you will have the option to modify the parameters
without editing the file if necessary. Only do this if instructed to do so by Alencon.
Figure 233: Loaded Configuration can be modified directly on the HUB