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March 23, 2012 • Alcorn McBride ProTraXX User’s Manual • Rev 1.4
Schedule Builder
To make creating schedules more convenient, Alcorn McBride provides a
free Windows application for making schedules using a graphical interface.
This program is called
Schedule Builder
, and it can be downloaded from the
software section the Alcorn McBride website at
Here is a step-by-step guide to get started making schedules with Schedule
Open the Schedule Builder application
Select the ProTraXX in the list of supported devices and click OK.
The Add/Edit Event window will appear automatically. This is where
you select the event you wish to insert into the schedule. Since “Play
and Loop Clip” is an event used to play an audio file, we will use it for
this example.
Using the arrows in the ‘parameters’ box, you can select which type of
Play command you wish to use. For example, “By Number” would
allow you to enter a clip number. “By File” would allow you to enter
the actual file name. If you are using the compact flash card that
shipped inside your ProTraXX, select ‘By Number’ and enter the
number ‘1’ in the field.