Enabling/Disabling RDP
Configuring RDP
page 14-8
OmniSwitch 6624/6648 Network Configuration Guide
April 2004
Enabling/Disabling RDP
RDP is included in the base software and is available when the switch starts up. However, by default this
feature is not operational until it is enabled on the switch.
To enable RDP operation on the switch, use the following command:
-> ip router-discovery enable
Once enabled, any existing RDP interfaces on the switch that are also enabled will activate and start to
send initial advertisements. See
“RDP Interfaces” on page 14-6
for more information.
To disable RDP operation on the switch, use the following command:
-> ip router-discovery disable
Use the
show ip router-discovery
command to determine the current operational status of RDP on the
Creating an RDP Interface
An RDP interface is created by enabling RDP for a specified VLAN router IP address. Note that it is not
necessary to first configure a VLAN router IP address before creating an RDP interface.
To create an RDP interface, enter
ip router-discovery
followed by an IP address then
For example, the following command creates an RDP interface for VLAN router IP
-> ip router-discovery interface enable
The first time an RDP interface is enabled, it is not necessary to enter
as part of the command.
However, if the interface is subsequently disabled, then entering
is required the next time this
command is used. For example, the following sequence of commands initially enables RDP interface then disables and again enables the same interface:
-> ip router-discovery interface
-> ip router-discovery interface disable
-> ip router-discovery interface enable
When the above RDP interface becomes active, advertisement packets are transmitted on all active ports
that belong to the IP router VLAN. These packets contain IP address for the purposes of
advertising this address as a router on the network connections provided by ports associated with the
router VLAN.
When an RDP interface is created, it is automatically configured with the following default parameter
RDP Interface Parameter
Advertisement destination address.
All systems multicast (
Advertisement time interval defined by
maximum and minimum values.
Maximum = 600 seconds
Minimum = 450 seconds (0.75 * maximum value)
Advertisement lifetime.
1800 seconds (3 * maximum value)
Router IP address preference level.