Site preparation for microwave antenna cables
This section discusses how to prepare the microwave antenna cables so can be connected
to the 9927 Distributed Base Station Outdoor Cabinet.
Connection overview for microwave antenna cables
The microwave cable is supplied by the customer. It will be routed and connected to the
9927 Distributed Base Station Outdoor Cabinet at a later date.
There can be up to 16 microwave cables (4 sets of 4–pack cables) entering the top-rear of
the 9927 Distributed Base Station Outdoor Cabinet. In site preparation, approximately 10
feet of each microwave cable must be coiled about six feet from the top-rear of the
Each microwave cable is terminated with an RJ-45 connector and must be connected to
the appropriate injector module inside the 9927 Distributed Base Station Outdoor
Label each end microwave cable
During site preparation, it is the customer's responsibility to label the end of each
microwave cable so that the installer can easily identify each cable and connect it
properly at installation.
Label each microwave cable at the baseband cabinet end as follows:
Microwave Ant 1
Microwave Ant 2
Microwave Ant 3
, etc.
Recommended microwave antenna cable
The recommended cable type is outdoor (UV) as well as riser (fire
retardant) rated. The recommended cable is
Nexans SF/UTP CAT5E 4PR in&Out
The following table provides information for the recommended microwave antenna cable
Product Specification
Manufacturer (Reference)
Product Family
Indoor/Outdoor cable suitable
Fast Ethernet
Gagabit Ethernet
Power over Ethernet
IEC 61156
ISO/IEC 11801
Site preparation requirements for 9927 Distributed Base
Station Outdoor cabinet GPS antenna and microwave
antenna cable
Site preparation for microwave antenna cables
Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary
Use pursuant to applicable agreements
9927 Dist BTS Outdoor
Issue 1
March 2012