· In principle every climbing process has to be completed.
However, if the situation arises and you must interrupt
the climbing process, lay the scalamobil with the attached
wheelchair backwards on the stairs. Due to the safety
brakes, it is impossible that the scalamobil rolls over the
edge of the step.
· During the staircase mounting procedure the wheelchair
occupant should be in a quiet and relaxed state of mind.
If he should for some reason (e.g. due to his state of
health) exercise violent movements, then travel on the
staircase should be interrupted at once. Rest the scalamobil
with the attached wheelchair on the steps and calm down
the occupant before proceeding with the travel.
Safety of the wheelchair occupant
The first priority while climbing stairs is always the safety
and comfort of the occupant.
Therefore, please follow the safety instructions listed in
chapter 3.2 and the recommendations made in the training
session carefully.
In addition, the following situations may arise occasionally:
· In case the occupant feels ill while climbing stairs, stop
climbing and take care of the occupant.
· In case the occupant has back problems, reduce the
climbing speed. The scalamobil’s wheels touch down more
softly and the entire climbing process becomes more
agreeable to the occupant’s needs.
· During the climbing process some occupants may feel a
tension in the neck. In such cases it is advisable to attach
an additional headrest to the scalamobil.
Initial Operation