Mainboard K8NF4X–754
Next, in the “Free Disks” section, you can use the up/down arrow keys to select disks to be
used in your RAID array. After highlighting a disk, use the right-arrow key to activate the disk
as part of the RAID Array. The selected disk will move over to the “Array Disks” section. You
can use the left-arrow key to reverse your selection. After you finish selecting all your disks,
Press <F7>. A confirmation message will display as shown below. Then press <Y> to
complete the RAID array creation.
After the array has been successfully created, the Array List screen will display as shown
below-left. You can press the Enter key to view the RAID details in the “Array Detail” screen.
RAID 1 mode (Array List)
RAID 1 mode (Array Detail)