Conventions Used in this Manual
E n a b lin g /D is a b lin g U s e rs ( B y U s e r N u m b e r)
User Number must be between 2 and 2000.
NOTE: Will Enable/Disable users even if the user is associated with an enabled group.
3. Disable User
4. Enable User
Function Name
Minimum Required Program Level
Program Levels are abbreviated as follows:
M = Master
4 = Installer
3 = Manager
2 = Supervisor
1 = Print Only Users
This Program Level abbreviation is the
program level required to
access the particular Function. (The
higher the level, the more programming
tasks the User is allowed, with Master
allowing all tasks).
Programming Key Sequence.
G e n e r a l P r o g r a m M o d e In f o r m a t io n
If a wrong key is pressed during code entry, hold any key continuously until the error sound is heard (7 short beeps), this will clear the entry. Re-enter the key
sequence again.
All program sequences are followed by the l l ^ : key; 2 short beeps indicate a successful program sequence.
LED and Sounder Indicators
The DL Series locks provide visual and audible keypad feedback. W ith a fully charged battery, the LED and sounder feedback
is as follows:
1 RED Flash
1 Beep
Normal Operation
Access Granted
3 GREEN Flashes
3 Beeps
Invalid Code
RED Flashes
Re-enter User Code
Successful Program Entry
2 GREEN Flashes
2 Beeps
When in Program Mode
Unsuccessful Program Entry
7 RED Flashes
7 Beeps
When in Program Mode
Exit Program Mode
Flashes: 1 Red, 2 Green,
then 1 Red
10 Beeps
"73" in Continuous Wave
(Morse Code)
Valid but Disabled Code
1 Green, 4 Red Flashes
1 long, 5 short beeps
Code exists in memory, but disabled
Low Battery
Yellow Flash during key
Long Beep
See page 11 before changing batteries
User Code Entered
Yellow Flash
Sequence of 7 Beeps
Repeated 4 Times
Non-fatal memory or clock error has been
detected. Under this condition,
unexpected operation is possible. Re
move power and restart.
Inside Lever Depressed and held down
7 Red Flashes, 1 Red Flash
7 Beeps. 1 Beep
Example: Inside lever not released for 5
seconds after User Code access granted.
Outside Lever Depressed and held down
7 Red Flashes, 2 Red
7 Beeps. 2 Beeps
Example. Outside lever depressed for 5
seconds after User Code access denied.
Deadbolt Engaged / Button Pressed and
button held down
7 Red Flashes, 3 Red
7 Beeps. 3 Beeps
Example: Valid User Code entered while
Deadbolt extended.