Programming Functions (cont’d)
Hold the printer perpendicular to the Lock's infrared LED as shown in Figure 1 and Figure 2. If the
printer has been idle for some time, press the paper feed button to wake up the printer.
DL4100 to Printer - Front View
F ig u re 2
55. Print Audit Trail
Hold the printer over the lock's infrared sensor as shown in Figure 1 and Figure 2 above.
Twenty (20) events will print at a time; press 1 for more events, or 9 to quit. To abort
printing, press any key for 3 seconds (three short beeps will sound).
56. Print User Code List
QQ 1^0 6^1 lied
Hold the printer over the lock's infrared sensor as shown in Figure 1 and Figure 2 above.
To abort printing, press any key for 3 seconds (three short beeps will sound).
57. Print Clock Settings, Software
1^3 1^3
Version and Door Number
Hold the printer over the lock's infrared sensor as shown in Figure 1 and Figure 2 above.
58. Upload/Download PC Data
1^3 1^3 1^3 1^3
For use with DL-WINDOWS software, refer to OI237. AL-PCI interface cable is needed.
- J