Supported Products
Data T ra n s fe r M odule (AL-DTM )
An AL-DTM can be used to transfer Lock Programs (and other data) between DL-Windows and up to 48 locks.
When computers cannot be transported or when electrical power is not available, the hand-held AL-DTM device
acts as a go-between-it allows the transfer of lock data from the computer (through the AL-DTM) and to the lock,
or in reverse (from the lock through the AL-DTM back to the computer).
AL-D TM 2 - Data T ra n s fe r M odule
The enhanced AL-D TM 2 provides the same functions as the A L-D TM but the AL-D TM 2 may be used to
transfer program data between a PC running DL-W indows software and up to 96 locks.
In fra re d P rin te r (AL-IR1)
An AL-IR1 printer is used to print Audit Trails and User Code lists w ithout the need for a PC. Its infrared
reader means no cable connection to the lock is needed.
A L-P C I C able
An ALARM LOCK AL-PCI cable is required to communicate between your computer's RS-232 serial com
munications port (COM 1-4) and the
L-DTM or lock. One end of the A
-PCI cable is designed to be used
on a 9-pin serial Com Port. If your computer has a 25-pin Com Port only, a 25-pin to 9-pin adapter must be
used. The other end of the AL-PCI cable features a 2-pin banana plug connector which is polarity sensitive-
-the TAB (marked “GND”) side must be plugged into the lock's b la ck (left) terminal.
D o u b le -e n d e d M ini B anana Plug C o n n e c to r
A fter you create the program in DL-W indows and transfer the program from your com puter to an AL-DTM ,
transfer the program from the A L-D TM to the lock(s) via a double-ended mini banana plug.
DB9 to DB9 S e ria l C able
Enroll User Codes into DL-Windows, then transfer this new User Code data from the com puter to the A L -
PRE via this 9-pin DB9 to DB9 serial cable. Once the data is in the AL-PRE, you can transfer the data to
the lock via the double-ended mini banana plug (see above), thus avoiding the need to use an A L-P C I
cable for this process.
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