Programming Functions (cont’d)
59. AL-DTM2 Door Number
[ _ _ ] :
(Door Number)
Door Number must be between 1-96. Note: Door Number must be between 1-48
for AL-DTM (Version 1). Factory default is 01.
Function 59 is for use with Alarm Lock's AL-DTM2 Data Transfer Module. Using the AL-
DTM2, up to 96 locks can be Downloaded/Uploaded and History Logs can be retrieved.
Enter a door number for each lock. After configuring the AL-DTM2, using Alarm Lock's
DL-WINDOWS Software, any of the following data transfers can be initiated by plugging
the AL-DTM2 into the lock and simply entering the User Code for User 299 at the lock.
• Upload Lock Program
• Upload History Log
• Download Lock Program
60. Number of Attempts Before Lockout
[ _ ] :
(Number of Attempts)
Used with Function 61
• Number of attempts before lockout must be 1-9 attempts.
• The number of attempts is reduced by half every time the keypad is locked out without a
successful code entry (default is
• The attempt count is reset each time a valid code is entered.
61. Set the Attempts Lockout Time
[ _ _ ] :
(Lockout Time)
Function 61 determines the length of time the keypad is locked-out after a series of
unsuccessful attempts (default is 18 seconds). Used with Function 60.
• Lockout Time must be 1-60 seconds.
62-65. Reserved
66. Ambush Code
[ ___ ] :
(Ambush Code)
Ambush code must be 2 digits.
An error will sound if the Ambush Code matches the 1st two digits of any User Code.
See Function 67 for more information about the Ambush Function.
Factory default Ambush Code is 99.