When you need to transmit please get used to follow all these steps:
1) Ensure that the channel is not busy (otherwise you will create an
interference, please wait till that condition).
2) Press the PTT key: the status LED will glow red.
3) Start talking at a normal voice level at approximately 10 cm from
the microphone (keep the PTT key pressed).
4) When your message is over, release the PTT
Don’t shout! It won’t increase the distance range, but rather will
make you heard distorted.
Don’t release the PTT before your message is over or start talking
before pressing it, otherwise your message will be “chopped”.
A PMR handheld radio doesn’t normally allow to talk and receive
simultaneously, for this reason make your messages with a
reasonable time. When you are talking the other parties can’t do
that, so don’t occupy too much the channel. Use the common
The radio might be programmed with a timeout timer which
automatically put your radio in reception if you talk too much (after
a preset time). In this case release the PTT and wait for few seconds:
the radio TX features will be automatically restored. Ask the network
responsible or your dealer for further details.
Basic Operations
3) Press the
key repeatedly to decrease the squelch level: after
the level
you will see
(squelch disabled) and you will also
see the icon .
4) Press the
key repeatedly in order to select the minimum
squelch level in which the icon steadily disappears (normally 2
will do).
5) Repeatedly press the MENU key repeatedly to go through the
next menu item or press and hold to go to the previous menu
item, or press the
(clear) key to escape the menu and restore
the normal LCD condition.
After 5 seconds, if you are not pressing any key, the menu is
automatically escaped, so the display will automatically revert to
its normal condition.
In case of either CTCSS or Selcall system programmed, squelch
could not affect the loudspeaker status, because the radio is closed
awaiting the right tones. In case of advanced signalling systems,
please, pay attention to the programming of the monitor key
function (further described). Depending on this, you can or not
press the
button to mute/unmute the loudspeaker and to adjust
the squelch level. The set squelch level will be stored and recovered
at every switch on operation.