Ultrasonic Fuel Level Sensor Manual
Updated until firmware 405p & 1.0.3816
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1) Introduction
1. What is the AKCP Ultrasonic Fuel Level Sensor?
The AKCP Ultrasonic Fuel Level Sensor has been designed to integrate with the AKCP
securityProbe and sens base units. The UFLS and UFLS-NI sensors are not
compatible with the sensorProbe base units (SP2, SP4 or SP8). The Fuel Level Sensor is
designed for measuring the percentage of liquid in linear and non-linear tanks not more
than 2000mm in depth, such as backup generator fuel tanks.
The Ultrasonic Fuel Level Sensors must be connected directly to the AKCP securityProbe
or sens units in order to function. The sensor is easily configured in the base
units web user interface which will be covered later in this manual.
The Ultrasonic Fuel Level Sensors are available in two versions:
1) Invasive (UFLS) this is mounted on the top of the tank and requires the cutting of a
hole and threading in order to bolt the sensor into place.
2) Non-Invasive (UFLS-NI) this mounts on the bottom of the tank and is held in place by
Epoxy. It requires no cutting of the tank, making it easier to install.