Chapter 5. Web Interface Configuration
Air Live IAS-2000 User’s Manual V1.0
Select to enable or disable this billing rule.
Hr. Purchased:
This is the duration of time that the user can use the account after the activation of the account.
After this duration, the account will self-expires. You can enter 1-999 hours.
Valid Period:
This is the duration of time that the user needs to activate the account after the generation of the
account. If the account is not activated during this duration, the account will self-expires. You can enter 1-999
Assign to Policy:
Assign a policy for this billing rule.
The price charged for this billing rule.
There is an
Auto Expired
mechanism is for preventing that an account is created but never logged in. If the
account is created but never been logged in, the account will be invalid after a period.
The auto expired time = the
exact created time of the a Valid Period.
Created PMS User:
Click this to enter the
PMS User Generate
screen. There are 5000 PMS user accounts
By default, the PMS user database is empty. While
you key in the
Room Number”
and the
Maximum User”
and press the
button by
the desired rule, a PMS user will be created, then
to print a receipt which will contain
this PMS user’s information. See the following