At both ends of the Modbus (on the last device) a bus termination (resistance 120 Ω) must be connected. In
the event of problems on the network, primarily check the cabling.
2.9 MultiPlexBox Address List
In the appendix (MultiPlexBox Address list) you will find a table in which you can document the device location
and device addresses of the flat boxes during assembly. You can detach or copy the list or print it from a PDF
All MultiPlexBoxes have a device address (Modbus address) between 1 and 255 pre set (see type plate
"Address: xxx"). The device address can be changed if necessary; if there are two identical device addresses
on the network, one of them must be changed. The device address can only be changed directly at the
MultiPlexBox. By using device addresses that are as functional as possible, you can later shorten the search
in the configuration software and reduce the time taken.
If you change the device address of a MultiPlexBox, it is important that you change the new device address.
next to the type plate on the unit). Do not damage the type plate
– this will result in loss of warranty!
S o f t w a r e
- If a previous version is installed on the PC, it must be uninstalled
before installation to avoid duplicate entries in the database. You must use this software to complete the install.
It is recommended you install the commissioning software on your laptop before the commissioning, this will
allow commissioning on site without internet access.
Always update your software.
Sample MVHR
MultiPlexBox 1
MultiPlexBox 2
Commissioning Software