Temperature Control
A temperature sensor shall be mounted in the return air side of the unit to sense the return dry bulb condition (cooling
only variants). A combined temperature and humidity sensor shall be supplied on full function units.
The temperature sensor shall be an NTC type thermistor with an accuracy of not less than +/ - 5% at 25°C at the sensor.
The microprocessor shall sense the return air conditions and maintain the return air temperature and humidity by
controlling cooling, heating, humidification and dehumidification outputs accordingly.
The microprocessor shall monitor and display the following values as a minimum:
● Return Air Temperature
● Return Air Humidity (Optional on Full Function units)
● Fan run hours
● Coil Temperature Sensor (Indoor)
The maintenance of key components such as air filters shall be monitored via a service indicator which visually
demonstrates the status relative to the component service intervals.
Alarm Log
The controller shall log and allow viewing of not less than the last 100 conditions recorded in descending chronological
order through the keypad display.
The standard display keypad shall visually display operating alarms, however, as an optional extra, a display keypad with
audible alarms is available.
Supply Air Temperature Control
Modulation of unit capacity to ensure that user defined supply air set points shall be maintained and / or a high / low
return air temperature alarm.
During peak demand, the standby units shall temperature assist.
Duty Rotation
Networked units shall be configured to duty rotate, providing equal hours run of fans.
BMS Interface Cards
BMS Interface Card controlled units shall be interfaced with most BMS, factory fitted, please contact Airedale.
A wide range of protocols shall be accommodated through the use of interface devices. Available as a standard option
are: ModBus / Jbus, and Carel.
For interfaces such as SNMP, LonWorks, Metasys and BACnet, please contact Airedale.
Also available shall be Airedale’s own supervisory plug-in BMS card pCOWEB.
Based on Ethernet TCP/IP secure technology with SNMP features.
It shall require no proprietary cabling or monitoring software and be supplied pre - programmed with an IP address for
ease of set up. Cables to the BMS to be supplied by others.
SmartCool™ 6 - 200kW
Precision Air Conditioning
SmartCool 6 - 200kW Chilled Water Technical Manual 7674716 V1.10.0_10_2018