Batt, Mess, Alrm, Diff, Max, Min, M(t), n(t), M(n), Flow, Time
However, if connected directly to the PC, these are not available. The advisory note '!
unusable' will be displayed in the comments text.
Further parameters, depending on sensor type, can be set (e.g. setpoint adjustment, tem-
perature / atmospheric pressure compensation).
Atmospheric pressure compensation
If the sensor incorporates an atmospheric pressure sensor atmospheric pressure compensati-
on is set by default to 'Sensor'; the current measured value is displayed under 'Value'. Ho-
wever, if a particular value needs to be used (e.g. altitude above sea level, weather forecast,
channel), this value can be programmed in menu item 'Value'. It is also possible, by simply
clicking on the 'Reference' option here, to use the measured value 'Atmospheric pressure' to
compensate other sensors connected to the same ALMEMO
device. This programs ab-
breviation '*P' in the comments text of measuring channel 'D AP', thus ensuring that this
measured value is always available in the ALMEMO
device for the purpose of atmosphe-
ric pressure compensation (s.Man. 6.3.6).
Averaging period (smoothing)
All measured values on the primary channels are internally scanned all the time at the indi-
vidual refresh rate. On most D7 sensors if measuring conditions make these values too uns-
table an averaging period can be entered in the menu for the primary channels; measured
values will then be smoothed by a sliding average.
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