6.D7 tensile and compressive force sensors FK0xx
D7 tensile and compressive force sensors FK0xx incorporate wire strain gauges in the
form of a 4-wire full bridge; these are fed via the electronics in the plug on connecting
cable ZKD712FS with a 5V bridge supply and are evaluated via a high-speed 24-bit A/D
converter. It is thus possible to record dynamic changes in force at two different conver-
sion rates, namely 10 or 1000 measuring operations per second. To adjust the final value
these sensors incorporate an internal adjustment resistor which can be activated as and
when required via the sensor menu.
Measuring quantities and ranges - factory default settings
Measuring range
Units Resolution
1. Kraft 1000mops
+ Measuring range, units, and resolution depending on type (see data sheet)
6.1.Configuration via the sensor menu
The following two measuring ranges can be configured. (* factory default settings)
Measuring range Units Resolution
1. Kraft 10 mops
2. * Kraft 1000 mops
+ Measuring range, units, and resolution depending on type (see data sheet)
6.2.Sensor functions
The user can set the sensor to zero at any time by pressing the 'ZERO' key. These two
quantities are scaled by means of the factor according to the sensor's measuring range
and at the conversion rate providing the highest resolution. Users wishing to scale the
sensor themselves (e.g. to other units) can enter the required final value and the decimal
points and then for the purposes of adjusting the gain activate the internal 'calibration re-
sistor' corresponding to the final value and press the 'ADJ' key.
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