6.3.Technical data ZKD712-FS
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7.D7 pressure sensors FD0602Lxx
Pressure sensors FD0602Lxx are used to record output voltage (0.2 to 2.2 V) in two possi-
ble resolutions and conversion rates; they do so by means of an integrated 24-bit delta-sig-
ma A/D converter incorporated in the connector of adapter cable ZDD702AKLxx. At five
measuring operations per second (mops) 200,000 digits can be acquired or at 500 mops
(factory default setting), 50,000 digits. Exact details regarding the sensor's measuring
quantities and ranges, units, conversion rate, and resolution are provided, depending on
type, in the respective data sheets.
In case the measuring range respectively the measuring rate is reprogrammed,
the scaling values will be deleted. The scaling must then be reprogrammed (e.g.
by using the ALMEMO
Control software).
7.1.Technical data ZDD702AKLxx
0.2 to 2.2 V 4-wire configuration
0 to 200,000 (range DMS1 at 5 mops)
0 to 50,000 (range DMS2 at 500 mops)
A/D converter
Accuracy (5mops)
0.02% ±2 digits
Temperature drift
maximum 30 ppm/K
Nominal temperature
+22 °C ±2 K
Refresh rate
200 ms (5 mops), 2 ms (500 mops)
Power supply
9 V from the ALMEMO
measuring instrument
Power consumption
approx. 11 mA, DMS1 including sensor
approx. 13 mA, DMS2 including sensor
Connector colors
Housing ruby red, levers black
7.2.D7 pressure sensors FD8214xx
Pressure sensors FD8214xx are used to record output voltage (0 to 2.0 V) in two possible
resolutions and conversion rates; they do so by means of an integrated 24-bit delta-sigma
A/D converter incorporated in the connector of adapter cable ZDD714AKxx. At five mea-
suring operations per second (mops) 200,000 digits can be acquired or at 500 mops, 50,000
digits. Exact details regarding the sensor's measuring quantities and ranges, units, conversi-
on rate, and resolution are provided, depending on type, in the respective data sheets.
7.3.Technical data ZDD714AKxx
0.0 to 2.0 V 4-wire configuration
Other useful data
see Chapter 7.1
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