Route by coordinate
To navigate to a destination using a coordinate press the middle of the screen to access the “Navigate” menu. Scroll until you see the “Route by
coordinate” icon and press it once.
Enter the coordinate using the key pad and then press “OK”.
There are three different formats you can use when entering the coordinate:
Degrees, Minutes and seconds (DD0,MM`SS.s”)
Degrees, Minutes (DD0,MM.mmm`)
User note. When entering the Longitude and Latitude you must ignore the letters “N” and “W” and the relevant symbols must be used when using
this function.
Decimal Degrees (DD.dddddo)
User note. When entering the Longitude you must ignore the minus (-) symbol. The degree symbol must be used for this function to work.
After pressing “OK” the location of the coordinates will be shown on the map. If they are correct, press “Quick menu” and then “Continue” and follow
the on screen instructions to calculate a route.
Recalculate route
You have the option to recalculate your route if you want to avoid certain roads. However this facility is only available once you have calculated a
route. If the “Recalculate route” icon is greyed out this means a route has not been entered and the option will not be available.
To recalculate a route, press the middle of the screen to access the “Navigate” menu and press the “Recalculate route” icon. You can then choose how
you want to recalculate your route from the options displayed.