Agilent InfinityLab LC Series Multicolumn Thermostats User Manual
Preparing the Module
Solvent Information
Solvent Information
Observe the following recommendations on the use of solvents.
Follow the recommendations for avoiding the growth of algae, see the pump
Small particles can permanently block capillaries and valves. Therefore,
always filter solvents through 0.22 µm filters.
Avoid or minimize the use of solvents that may corrode parts in the flow path.
Consider specifications for the pH range given for different materials such as
flow cells, valve materials etc. and recommendations in subsequent sections.
General Information about Solvent/Material
Materials in the flow path are carefully selected based on Agilent’s experiences in
developing highest-quality instruments for HPLC analysis over several decades.
These materials exhibit excellent robustness under typical HPLC conditions. For
any special condition, please consult the material information section or contact
Subsequent data was collected from external resources and is meant as a
reference. Agilent cannot guarantee the correctness and completeness of such
information. Data is based on compatibility libraries, which are not specific for
estimating the long-term life time under specific but highly variable conditions of
UHPLC systems, solvents, solvent mixtures and samples. Information can also
not be generalized due to catalytic effects of impurities like metal ions,
complexing agents, oxygen etc. Apart from pure chemical corrosion, other
effects like electro corrosion, electrostatic charging (especially for
non-conductive organic solvents), swelling of polymer parts etc. need to be
considered. Most data available refers to room temperature (typically 20 – 25 °C,
68 – 77 °F). If corrosion is possible, it usually accelerates at higher temperatures.
If in doubt, please consult technical literature on chemical compatibility of