Agilent Technologies
Essential Measurement Practices
Handle and store all reagents according to the instructions on the label of
the individual box.
Avoid sources of dust or other contaminants. Foreign matter in reagents
and samples or in the wells of the chip will interfere with assay results.
Keep all reagents and reagent mixes refrigerated at 4 °C when not in use.
Allow all reagents and samples to equilibrate to room temperature for
30 min before use.
Protect dye and dye mixtures from light. Remove light covers only when
pipetting. The dye decomposes when exposed to light and this reduces the
signal intensity.
Always insert the pipette tip to the bottom of the well when dispensing the
liquid. Placing the pipette at the edge of the well may lead to poor results.
Use a new syringe and electrode cleaners with each new kit.
Use loaded chips within 5 min after preparation. Reagents might evaporate,
leading to poor results.
Do not touch the Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer during analysis and never place
it on a vibrating surface.