SCD and NCD User Manual
Getting Started
Available manuals
Table 1
7890B GC Learning Products
Learning product
When to use this documentation
Getting Started
Overview of the manuals. Where to
find information. How to install the
manuals. Overview of the GC.
Safety Manual
Lists safety and regulatory
information. Precautions for using
hydrogen carrier (or fuel) gas.
Precautions for performing
maintenance tasks.
Before installation, to prepare for a
safe installation process.
Before maintenance.
GC, GC/MS, and ALS Site Prep Guide Requirements for: space and weight
for the lab bench, power, heat
dissipation, exhaust venting,
laboratory conditions (expected local
environment), gas and reagent gas
purity, gas supplies, gas plumbing
(including filters, regulator types, and
tubing needs), and cryogenic cooling
supplies (if used).
Recommended supplies to purchase
before installation.
Before installation, to prepare the
laboratory site.
Before installation, to find what
supplies are needed for successful
installation (such as gases,
installation kits, gas purifiers,
regulators, tubing, fittings,
consumable parts, and so on).
At any time, to refer to expected
requirements for gas supplies,
regulators, cryogenic cooling
supplies, supply pressures, and so
Installation and First Startup
How to install the GC on the
laboratory bench. Cabling pinouts.
During installation.
Operation Manual
Common keyboard functions. Using
the keyboard to start runs and
sequences. Using the keyboard when
connected to an Agilent data system.
Methods and sequences overview.
Startup and shutdown. How to check
GC performance after installation.
Energy conservation (sleep/wake).
Early Maintenance Feedback.
To learn common operating tasks
(making a run, loading a method,
running a series of samples).
To learn how to use the GC keyboard
when under data system control.
Before a short-term or long-term
When starting up the GC after a
period of inactivity.
Whenever you need to verify
performance of the instrument
against factory standards, for
example, after certain maintenance
To learn how to properly configure GC
components, especially when newly