Appendix D
Measurement Using 4396B
Introduction for Measurement using 4396B
Introduction for Measurement using 4396B
The high frequency spectrum measurement is available when 4396B is connected with
E5022/E5023 system. Although Agilent does not provide 4396B as a option of E5022A,
users can use 4396B as one of module such as 4395A. The available measurements are:
Spectral SNR Measurement
Spectrum Measurement
Channel Bit Rate Sweep Measurement for Narrow Band TAA
Roll Off Measurement for Narrow Band TAA
When the system has the optional E4402B 3GHz spectrum analyzer, the 4396B can not be
used on the system.
4396B Connection
Figure D-1 shows the connection of 4396B. When your system does not have
E5039A/B/C, connect the “Out 2” port on E5036A with the “S” port on 4396B. However,
when your system has E5039A/B/C, the port is used. In this case, you have to swap one of
the cables with the cable for 4396B input S when you begin to make a measurement for
The GPIB cable should be connected with 4396B. Its address of 4396B must be set at 18.
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