Chapter 5
Measurement Definition
Measurement Parameter Definition
At default setting, point C is centered between points A and B. It can be changed using the
“hpe5022_baselineSamplingPhase” function. As shown in Figure 5-6, points C, A and B
are defined as 0 degree, -90 degrees and 90 degrees, respectively for this function.
The value specified by the “hpe5022_baselineSamplingPhase” function defines an
observation point for the baseline. For example, when the value is set at -10 degrees, the
b amplitude level is observed not at point C but at point D.
Figure 5-6
Baseline Sampling Phase Definition
Resolution Measurement
Resolution is defined as the ratio of the TAA resulting from two frequencies (HF and LF)
written on the same track with the same write current. Resolution is measured by a
parametric module. Both TAA
and TAA
are expressed in volts [V].
Resolution is an old test method which is used to measure the effect of how close together
transitions occur. The HF-TAA divided by the LF-TAA is the resolution and is expressed in
terms of percentage. For modern thin film media the number can go as high as 100%.
Resolution is defined as:
Equation 5-6
Resolution Definition
The measurement sequence of Resolution is as follows.
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