Chapter 5
Measurement Definition
Input Range Control & Auto Configuration
Input Range Control & Auto Configuration
The Agilent E5022/E5023 requires an approximate level of the input signal in order to set
the input range. This is because it does not dynamically auto range. Also, when parametric
module is used for parametric measurement the input signal of the pulse width (PW) must
be specified.
The Agilent E5022/E5023 provides two methods in determining these parameters. This
method can be specified by the “hpe5022_measureMode” and the VEE demo Program’s
Measure Mode function.
When measure mode is set to Manual:
The approximate level of the input signal is set by the “hpe5022_inputRange”. While
the approximate pulse width of the input signal can be set by the
“hpe5022_pwReference” function.
When measure mode is set to Auto:
The Agilent E5022/E5023 has a function that computes the approximate level of the
input signal and Pulse Width with respect to the change in channel bit rate, head radius,
data pattern under test and spindle speed.
When typical TAA and PW length values for an isolated pulse measurement are
known, the approximate value of the input signal and pulse width can be calculated
from to the principle of superposition. Typical TAA and PW length values can be set by
the “hpe5022_isolatedPulseReference” function.
Also, the Agilent E5022/E5023 has an auto configuration function that sets an isolated
pulse pattern automatically. Which also allows you to input typical TAA and PW length
values. After executing the “hpe5022_autoConfig” function, whatever values specified by
the “hpe5022_isolatedPulseReference” function will be set automatically.
Under normal operation Measure Mode is usually set to Auto. Although setting the TAA
and the PW length makes measurement possible, if a waveform cannot be measured from
the input values of the Input Range and PW Reference using the superposition theorem,
then Measure Mode will have to be set to manual. In this case you have to input the
approximate level and pulse width of the waveform to be measured.
Figure 5-55 shows the relation among these functions and parameters.
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